I have been in practice in california since 1996 and I welcome the opportunity to help you with your family law case.
I have designed and maintained this website using Adobe products including Dreamweaver since 1996, the year in which I started practicing in California. I accept divorce, parentage cases, and all the related sub-parts of those cases. Currently I only take cases in the Hall of Justice, Ventura.
This courthouse has six family law departments, Departments 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36. The Hall of Justice hears all family law cases in this county except for adoptions, guardianships (probate) and juvenile (dependency) cases which are heard in Departments J1, J2 and J5 in the Juvenile Courthouse on Vineyard Avenue in Oxnard.
I focus on helping clients in family law cases. These cases can be complex and expensive if the case is contested. This is particularly true of custody disputes and complex property issues - If necessary, I work with custody coaches, accountants and actuaries. I litigate cases. I settle cases. I also work as a mediator.
Mediation and other options to litigation
With respect to mediation, philosophically, a strong argument in favor of working out disputes. Firstly, you are in control of the outcome. Secondly, it preserves dignity. Thirdly, you are not putting your future into the hands of another. I have developed a mediation practice. What value can be placed on swift resolution as opposed to being embroiled in a family law matter for a year, even two, or more? This site has numerous pages - read and inform yourself. If you wish to meet me, I offer a free consulation.